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氯卡色林是一种5-HT2C 受体激动剂,诱发饱腹感,降低食欲,减少进食从而达到帮助患者减重的目的。该药由Arena开发,于201206Belviq速释片获得FDA批准,201607Belviq XR缓释片获得FDA批准上市。2017年卫材和Arena达成合作协议,以4900万美元的价格转让氯卡色林的权益。20202月卫材宣布将Belviq和撤出市场,并停止在美国市场销售。
2018年731日,CY Biotech获得卫材Belviq在中国(包括台湾和香港)的独家开发和销售权。
卫材已经同意将BelviqBelviq XR从美国上市退出,氯卡色林目前只在美国上市,但在CDE官网查询,有三个相关临床试验,主要涉及2个药企:康缘华威和瑞阳制药。氯卡色林从美国退市必将影响仿制药的审批结果,国内两家仿制药企业都已经完成了生物等效性(BE)试验,若最终受到影响,投入的研发费用将打水漂。
What safety cocern is FDAannouncing?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has requestedthat the manufacturer of Belviq, Belviq XR (lorcaserin) voluntarily withdrawthe weight-loss drug from the U.S. market because a safety clinical trial showsan increased occurrence of cancer. The drug manufacturer, Eisai Inc,. hassubmitted a request to voluntarily withdraw the drug.
美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)因安全的临床试验显示癌症的发生率增加,要求Belviq, Belviq XR(lorcaserin)的制造商自愿从美国市场撤回该减肥药物。 药品制造商卫材公司已提交了自愿撤药的请求。
What is FDA doing?
We are taking this action because we believe that therisks of lorcaserin outweigh its benefits based on our completed review ofresults from a randomized clinical trial assessing safety.
In January 2020, we announced we were reviewing clinical trial data andalerted the public about a possible risk of cancer associated with lorcaserinbased on preliminary analysis of the data.
Whatshould patients do?
Patients should stop taking lorcaserin and talk to yourhealth care professionals about alternative weight-loss medicines and weightmanagement programs. It’s best to dispose ofunused lorcaserin using a drugtake back location, but if you can’tget to one you can dispose of lorcaserin in your household trash:
1. Mix the pills with an unappealing substance such as dirt,cat litter, or used coffee grounds; do not crush them.
2. Place the mixture in a container such as a sealed plasticbag.
3. Throw away the container in your trash at home.
4. Remove or delete all personal information on theprescription label of empty medicine bottles or packaging, then throw away orrecycle them.
FDA is not recommending special screening for patientswho have taken lorcaserin. Talk to your health care professional if you havequestions.
Whatshould health care professionals do?
Health care professionals should stop prescribing anddispensing lorcaserin to patients. Contact patients currently takinglorcaserin, inform them of the increased occurrence of cancer seen in theclinical trial, and ask them to stop taking the medicine. Discuss alternativeweight-loss medicines or strategies with your patients.
FDA is not recommending special screening for patientswho have taken lorcaserin. As with any individual patient, regardless of priorlorcaserin treatment, standard screening recommendations for cancer should be implemented.
卫生保健专业人员应停止向患者开处方和分配氯卡色林。 与目前正在服用氯卡色林的患者联系,告知他们在临床试验中发现的癌症发生率增加,并要求他们停止服药。与您的患者讨论替代减肥药物或策略。
Whatdid FDA find?
When FDA approved lorcaserin in 2012, we required thedrug manufacturer to conduct a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledclinical trial to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular problems, which foundthat more patients taking lorcaserin (n=462; 7.7 percent) were diagnosed with cancercompared to those taking a placebo, which is an inactive treatment (n=423; 7.1percent). The trial was conducted in 12,000 patients over 5 years. A range ofcancer types was reported, with several different types of cancers occurringmore frequently in the lorcaserin group, including pancreatic, colorectal, andlung.
当FDA2012年批准氯卡色林时,我们要求药物制造商进行一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的临床试验,以评估心血管疾病的风险。该试验在5年内对12,000名患者进行了研究,结果发现服用氯卡色林的患者与服用安慰剂者相比更多:氯卡色林组(n = 462 7.7%),安慰剂组(n= 423 7.1%)。 据报道,癌症的类型范围很广,在氯卡色林组中,几种不同类型的癌症更常见,包括胰腺癌,结直肠癌和肺癌。

Howdo report side effects from lorcaserin?
To help FDA track safety issues with medicines, we urgepatients and health care professionals to report side effects involvinglorcaserin or other medicines to the FDA MedWatch program, using the informationin the “Contact FDA” box at the bottom of the page.
We reviewed data from the Cardiovascular and MetabolicEffects of Lorcaserin in Overweight and Obese Patients – Thrombolysis inMyocardial Infarction 61 (CAMELLIA-TIMI 61) clinical trial. It was arandomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel group trialconducted between January 2014 and June 2018 in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, theBahamas, Europe, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. The studypopulation consisted of 12,000 men and women who were overweight or obese.Patients were required to have either established cardiovascular disease, or tobe at least 50 years old for men or 55 years for women with type 2 diabetesmellitus plus at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor. Eligiblepatients were assigned randomly to either lorcaserin 10 mg twice daily orplacebo. Approximately 96 percent of patients completed the study, and 62percent who completed remained on treatment at the end of study. The medianfollow-up time was 3 years and 3 months.
The primary safety analysis showed no meaningfuldifference between lorcaserin and placebo in the risk of major adversecardiovascular events, demonstrating noninferiority. The one-sided upper boundof the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the hazard ratio (HR) was less than 1.4(the noninferiority margin). The HR (95% CI) was 1.005 (0.842, 1.198) forlorcaserin versus placebo.
There was a numerical imbalance in the number of patientswith malignancies, with one additional cancer observed per 470 patients treatedfor one year. During the course of the trial, 462 (7.7 percent) patientstreated with lorcaserin were diagnosed with 520 primary cancers compared to theplacebo group, in which 423 (7.1 percent) patients were diagnosed with 470cancers. Imbalances in specific cancers including pancreatic, colorectal, andlung contributed to the observed overall imbalance in cancer cases. There wasno apparent difference in the incidence of cancer over the initial months oftreatment, but the imbalance increased with longer duration on lorcaserin.
我们回顾了氯卡色林对超重和肥胖患者的心血管和代谢作用的数据-心肌梗塞61CAMELLIA-TIMI61)的溶栓治疗临床试验。 这是一项于20141月至20186月在美国,加拿大,墨西哥,巴哈马,欧洲,南美,澳大利亚和新西兰进行的随机,双盲,安慰剂对照,多中心,平行组试验。研究人群包括超重或肥胖的12,000名男性和女性。 患者必须患有心血管疾病,或者男性至少50岁或女性至少55岁的患有2型糖尿病加上至少一种心血管危险因素。符合条件的患者被随机分配,每天两次使用氯卡色林10 mg或安慰剂。 大约96%的患者完成了研究,而62%的完成研究的患者在研究结束时仍在接受治疗。 中位随访时间为33个月。
发布于 2020-03-15 10:28:13 © 著作权归作者所有